Sunday's installment of Back Channels, Ferris highlights how Americans can come together to support our troops in positive ways:
Packages of Support For Our Troops
You'd think it would be enough that U.S. forces are showing great progress bringing Shias, Sunnis and Kurds together. But no. They're bridging divisions at home, too, inspiring Americans to unite in a cause greater than themselves, as John McCain is fond of saying.
The cause is simple enough: Help the troops or local civilians. Some of those involved have family on the ground; others just hope to counter the horrors of war by doing good. Some are supportive of the military and their mission; some are opposed to war.
Several nonprofits supporting service members are registered with the Defense Department at www.americasupportsyou.mil. When the site began in 2004, four groups signed up, says Allison Barber, a deputy assistant secretary. Today, there are more than 380.

Before I had the opportunity to read the latest Back Channel, I spent part of my day welcoming a hero home. I am amazed at the timing of this column, as it is just perfect for this story:
A support the troops organization that is near to my heart - A heros Welcome today welcomed home CPL Dean Holt. He just turned 20 years old and is a sniper with the 101st Airborne. I had the opportunity to gather with members of his family, Warriors Watch, and the Chester County Victory Movement to greet CPL Holt as he arrived at Philly International Airport:
Mom watches anxiously for her son to arrive...

Mom greets her son at the gate...
Photo by Sean: Dad gives his son the biggest bear hug of his life...
For more Welcome Home photos of CPL Dean surf over to Sean's photo gallery. He is a remarkably talented photographer. Enjoy!