Our 45th rally and the Sheepdogs are going strong! I'm happy to report to you that Neocon has returned from his undisclosed training at WhiteLand. You can view the results of his training HERE. A photo anthology of the West Chester Rally can be found HERE.
The weather could not have been better for this rally, our Sheepdogs in high spirits and the kids having a fun as well. We gathered early for this rally, almost immediately we started getting honks and the thumbs up from passing cars. Passing pedestrians stopped to thank Rich for his work every Saturday; one woman simply picked up a sign and joined us. We are a growing force of good, decent, hard working Americans who are making time in their busy lives to stand in support of our troops.
Interested in joining us? We rally every Saturday at 11:00 am to 12 noon at the corner of High & Market Streets, West Chester, PA. You can read more about us at American Sheepdog

Supporting our troops - yeah - it feels this good: