Look what arrived in my inbox today:


State Representative Curt Schroder running to serve the 6th Congressional District

Downington, PA –State Representative Curt Schroder today announced that he is seeking the Republican nomination for the 6th Congressional District that includes portions of Chester, Berks, Lehigh, and Montgomery counties.

“I have decided to enter this race to ensure that the values that built our country remain for our children, that we encourage the policies of entrepreneurism, limited government and to preserve the economic future of our nation,” said Curt Schroder.

Schroder added, “America’s greatness comes from free enterprise and hard working families, not government bailouts and bureaucracy. I will bring my passion for public service and Pennsylvania values to Washington to better our community and nation.”

Through my work with PACC and American Sheepdogs I've had the extraordinary pleasure of working with this remarkable individual. Now, more than anytime in history, Pennsylvania is in need of principled leadership that puts needs of average citizens above partisan politics. Pennsylvania needs a change for the better, Pennsylvania needs Curt Schroder.

It is my pleasure to endorse Curt Schroder as the most qualified candidate for the 6th Congressional District. I am so proud of Curt for taking on this difficult, but worthy battle. I know the area and its players - smear merchants galore. However, it is in this environment that the Sheepdogs and PACC have flourished. Hope is making a comeback in Pennsylvania - one street corner at a time. I am happy to share this journey back to good with the MidnightBlue readers.

The following video was shot on July 4th Independence Hall Teaparty. I was happy to be able share this video with the Tea Party participants at the Dallas Tea Party and Breitbart TV.

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