Group Photo by Sean.
You can view more of his remarkable work HERE. The magnificent NeoCon was not present at our rally as he was deployed to an undisclosed location this weekend.
It was good to stand on the corner in West Chester today. After the successful participation in TWO parades yesterday, the Sheepdogs were in high spirits. We also debuted our new banner boldly advertising our commitment and our support of the troops. We were happy to see Joe Dohety, who stood with us on Flag Day and returned to stand with us today. He brought his friend, Diane, who was proud to stand with the Sheepdogs in support of our troops.
As we embark upon our 11th month standing in support of our troops, there is tangible evidence revealing that our dedication and respectful rallies are making a difference. Letters from our troops keep pouring into Rich's email letting him know how thankful and encouraged they are by seeing us stand up for them every week in West Chester. Our opposition takes a different tact - but they support the troops - don't you know - and their email box remains empty.
Here is a quick picture spam from today's rally. More photos of this rally can be found HERE
