10:32 PM

The Big Tent Party evicts another Democrat

Posted by Skye |

“I’m done. I will never support the Democrat Party again, not after how they treated me,” she said. “If you don’t drink the Kool-Aid, I guess you can’t be a Democrat.”

The Democrat Party of Wisconsin evicts a non-believer:

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s administrative committee voted unanimously this afternoon to strip a Racine County woman of her credentials as a Hillary Clinton delegate for the national convention, despite her pleas to keep her seat.

Following the vote, Debra Bartoshevich said in a phone call with WisPolitics the result was no surprise to her.

“This was all pre-planned, everyone came in with the notion that they weren’t going to listen to my argument,” she said.

DPW chair Joe Wineke said afterward that the outcome might have been different if Bartoshevich had admitted she'd made a mistake and added that she signed two different forms stating that she would support the party's nominee in the fall election.

If she just confessed to being a heretic her position in the party would be spared. Yikes! Is this a retelling of the Inquisition or the real face of the Democrat Party?

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