A fresh spring day greeted the gathering of Sheepdogs for our weekly pro victory/pro troop rally. Our side presented an inspiring sight on the Swope corner - flags, signs and smiles all around. This was reflected in the numerous honks and waves from passing cars during our rally. Each week we send a message of hope (no, not the Obamized version) to the public and pray it will catch fire elsewhere on another little corner on Main Street, USA.
John Hawkins of RightWingNews posted on the topic of Gitmo, referencing a report out of Britian where OBL's 'spiritual' ambassador to Europe is being released from prison to a 22 hour house arrest:
Times Online
The cleric applied to the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) for bail on the grounds that it was inhumane to detain him indefinitely if there was no prospect of his being deported. The order to release him is the latest in a series of judicial decisions which undermine the Government's stance on terrorism. In the past year, the courts have effectively rewritten sections of terrorism legislation and ruled that financial sanctions on terror suspects were absurd and unlawful. The earlier judgment on Abu Qatada's deportation wrecked the policy of drawing up "memoranda of understanding" for the return of suspects to Middle East countries with poor human rights records.
Further embarrassments are likely to follow. The Times understands that the head of an Algerian terrorist network which plotted bomb attacks in Europe and north America is also seeking to be released because the courts have thwarted attempts to deport him.
NeoCon's photos of today's rally can be viewed in all their splendor HERE

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Every Saturday 10:45 - 12:45