A crisp fall day greeted this band of citizens who gathered at the Chester County Courthouse to make it known that the protesting 'quakers' and students looking for an easy 'A' , do not speak for ALL Americans.
This display of Pro American/ Pro Victory support started out as a one-man operation. Rich at times faced agression by the gathered 'peace' protestors. He has been described by Karen Porter, director of the Chester County Peace Movement, as a war-monger who wanted to start trouble at their rally. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Rich responded to his encounters with the 'peace' protestors with respect and goodwill, behaviors rarely displayed by Karen and her followers. These are the same individuals who attempted to characterize a retired Veteran's dog as being agressive and a reason for them to call 911 during the protest if the dog was present.

On the right side of this debate: Wayne Lutz headed up a contingent of patriots to stand in support of Rich at this rally. Concerned citizens of West Chester stopped by to show their support for America and Rich. Area bloggers made an appearance - J_G, blogmistress of "Now For Something Different'. Also, I had the great pleasure to meet the author of 'Target Rich Environment". We even had a friend from across the pond joining in support of America and the troops.
The media was also in attendance: Two journalists from the Philadelphia Inquirer, a staff writer from the Evening Bulletin and a reporter from a local newspaper. I'm curious to read how the Inquirer reports on this event, as I had a bit of a run in with the photojournalist from the Inquirer - the girl had absolutely no professional manner. I gave her my card, at least when she misquotes me, my name will be spelled correctly.

Towards the end of the rally, Rich took to the podium and gave one hell of rousing speech. Ironically, his speech was interrupted by the 'peace' protestors. These same individuals who are usually the first to claim their rights of free speech are being suppressed were quick to suppress the free speech right of others.