Last night I attended a healthcare forum hosted hosted by Damian Dachowski at the Lower Moreland Community Center. Damian has announced his intention of running against the tax and spend incumbent - Allyson Schwartz. It has been noted that the Congresswoman has yet to schedule a healthcare meeting with her constituents.

Some highlights from the forum:
- The Host - Damian Dachchowski, a bold fresh candidate for the constituents of District 13. Haven't we had enough of the unending tax and spend habits of the current District 13 seat holder?
- The panel - Anna Puig, Edwin R. Thompson, Matthew Nicholas were well versed regarding their specific views on the health care debate. I enjoyed listening to their point of view and learning something new.
- An HCAN attendee remarked, after scanning literature shared by Ana Puig, that the British health system has similar problems as our current health care. I'd like to thank him for clearly pointing out that we are about to restructure one seventh of our economy in exchange for an equally broken healthcare system.
- HCAN supporters WANT single payer health care regardless of the consequences (see above statement) - that was the take home message from this event.
- Rep. Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz voted "Not Present" at this event.
- Edwin Thompson gets the zinger of the night when he skillfully handed a 'reality check' to a HCAN supporter. When discussing the reality of being fined for not having adequate health coverage, a HCAN supporter shot back with the legal requirement of having car insurance if you drive. Mike responded by stating that you have to own and drive a car in order to purchase the insurance - If you don't own a car you are not penalized (taxed) for not having adequate car insurance. I for one want to see HHS and the IRS fining the homeless that inhabit center city Philly.