7:17 PM

Sue Joe Sue!

Posted by Skye |

State employee, Vanessa Neicamp, reveals how she was forced to cover any tracks regarding the illegal accessing of Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher's files. Is this the change we can expect from supporters of the Manchurian candidate?

Via Dispatch Politics:

The state worker who unwittingly ran an improper child-support check on the man known as Joe the Plumber told lawmakers yesterday that a deputy director later "dictated" how she was supposed to cover it up.

Vanessa Niekamp, an administrator for the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services' Office of Child Support and a 15-year state employee, said that when Deputy Director Doug Thompson came into her office, "He appeared very upset, his neck was bright red, and he was shaking. He closed my door."

Thompson told her she must write an e-mail to the agency's information-security officer, and then "dictated word for word" what she wrote, Niekamp said. He also reminded her that she could be fired at any time, she said.

While Neikamp was threatened with termination if she did not comply, Job and Family Services Director Helen Jones-Kelley has yet to be released from her position.

Me thinks Deputy Director Doug Thompson also supported and voted for Obama.

This is just more ammunition for a JTP lawsuit of titanic proportions. It will be poetic justice for the state to spread its wealth into JTP's pocket, instead of taking it from him.

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