5:44 PM

Sunday with Ferris

Posted by Skye |

Back Channels: There's Cause for Optimism:

Thanks to two Joes and a Sarah (ed note: and a Skye)

'Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight. America is worth fighting for. Nothing is inevitable here. We never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history."

That was part of John McCain's closing remarks in speeches across Pennsylvania and the country last week.

It's a great applause line. When he used a version of it during his acceptance speech in St. Paul, Minn., last month, you couldn't hear him on the convention floor with all the yelling and cheering going on.

The same happens at every one of McCain's rallies. I would have loved to experience the energy on the floor of the Xcel Energy Center during McCain's acceptance speech. Not all of us were as fortunate as Ferris to have the credentials to sit with the delegates. Some of us were dragooned in the cheap seats at the Xcel Center. Not that I'm complaining at all, as it was a rare privilege to be part of history in the making - and I did without the use of taxpayer dollars. Further down in the article is this gem:

One Joe, The Plumber, was able to do in one brief encounter with Obama what the McCain camp had been unable to do for months: focus on the Democratic candidate's "spread the wealth" philosophy of taxation.

"Joe the Plumber represents everybody," Cindy McCain said. "It's all about America and just being able to make a life, keep your home, provide for your children. You can't do that with higher taxes and a government health-care system that's going to cost all of us in the end."

You can see for yourself the disaster that awaits us with a government health care system - check out the now defunct The Keiki (child) Care program

Cato-at-liberty neatly sums up the disaster:

Barack Obama’s health plan promises much of the same. He would force people to pay more for health coverage, even if they found little value in the added expense. He would waste taxpayer dollars on people who can already afford coverage on their own. He would draw millions into government health programs that would threaten their access to care. (you think it is difficult to get a doctor's appointment now....)

And if in 10 years some nasty Republicans yank your family’s health care, we would have Barack Obama to thank.

Lets get real about 'spreading the wealth' ideology espoused by Obama and his supporters. This past summer, Philadelphia experienced a taste of how our wealth will be spread by Obama and his gang.

Our good Mayor Nutter (D) invited his family and 5 city employees to join him at the Democrat National Convention in Denver, Co. The mayor paid for his expenses by dipping into his campaign warchest, the city employees were covered using TAX PAYER DOLLARS. When questioned about the use of this money the mayor deferred to Joan Markman, the mayor's chief integrity officer, who sanctioned using public funds to pay for Nutter's travel as well as the staffers'. That would be my tax dollars paying for their vacation in Denver. All the while, I had to pay my own way to the RNC convention, I had no ability to appropriate tax dollars for my trip.

A Mayor caught dipping into the tax payer cookie jar uses his own integrity officer to proclaim the validity of the appropriation of the money. This is what 'Spreading the Wealth' looks like, and it does NOT benefit the poor and middle class; only a politician and their friends and family.

You can read the rest of the article HERE

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