A few days ago the ever fashionable Fausta broke the story of Gap encouraging its college age clientele to 'Vote Twice!" with the above button. Hmmm...does that mean the early/absentee voters for Obie are going to try to vote again on Nov 4th?

Two nights ago, while syncing the i-frakking phone, the Apple servers decided to crash leaving me without a phone for a day.

When I was able to recover and reactivate the i-phone, I discovered all of my downloaded applications were gone.

Oh, just ducky.

While recovering my deleted applications, I spied a new free app pictured appropriately to the left. The app is called Obama 08. Reading the description, one can use it to connect to the heart of Obama and the pro abortion Catholic's campaign.

Needless to say, I passed on this application, as no one can really afford the change Obama is proposing.

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