3:17 PM


Posted by Skye |

There are no easy answers but there are simple answers.
We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.

Ronald Reagan

September, 2007:

My, how quickly time flies. It has been a year since Rich Davis first held aloft his sign at the steps of the West Chester County Courthouse. Little did we know it was a spark that heralded into being an organization of patriots known as the American Sheepdogs. One year ago, individuals from all walks of life gathered together to celebrate "Country First" before it became an election year slogan.

Looking back over the past year:

The Sheepdogs have been fortunate enough to have been chronicled in the WSJ:

We organized the best looking exhibit at the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference.

Spread the word about the American Sheepdogs at CPAC.

Celebrated when a Sheepdog became a Bulldog:

Welcomed Home Soldiers

Submitted a rocking Sheepdog tribute to a GOP video contest:

A Sheepdog goes to the GOP Convention:

Our rallies have been recognized by Rep. Curt Schroeder:

Tempering our success, was a particularly violent attack on a woman of the Chester County Victory Movement by a veteran for peace. The Sheepdogs rallied and used this trying time to provide an object lesson in what mercy, forgiveness and peace look like. Perhaps the peace movement would like to try that sometime.

From my first report from West Chester till today, I have been so blessed to be part of this organization of remarkable individuals.

In the beginning - September 29, 2007:

As the weeks rolled on, our numbers grew steadily. Flag Day, 2008, we numbered 150 patriots:

September 20, 2008: The spark ignited in West Chester has grown into the American Sheepdogs.


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