12:03 AM

Not So Proud Philadelphian

Posted by Skye |

Chris Satullo, writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, penned an opus to the "Blame America" groupies:

A Not-S0-Glorious Fourth

Put the fireworks in storage. Cancel the parade.
Tuck the soaring speeches in a drawer for another time.

This year, America doesn't deserve to celebrate its birthday.

This Fourth of July should be a day of quiet and atonement.

For we have sinned.

We have failed to pay attention. We've settled for lame excuses.

We've spit on the memory of those who did that brave, brave thing in Philadelphia 232 years ago.

We have sinned?

Or is this just a public projection of the writers' personal fears and doubts.

I'd say the IVAW/VFP pukes are this night spitting on the brave, brave thing that occured in Philadelphia 232 years ago.

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