9:12 PM

HydroGarden Update

Posted by Skye |

My, my, it is a jungle in hydroponic land.

The Italian Basil, Purple Basil and Chives have all been growing like weeds (no pun intended). I've frozen enough basil to feed a small third world country. The chives are being used in practically every thing I cook - and I wish there were more chives in this starter kit. The thyme is so fragrant, and packs quite a tasty punch in stews and sauces. I'm now addicted to adding a sprig of mint in my cup of tea. How did I exist without such easy access to fresh herbs?

At this time, I have to check the water level every day to ensure there is always an adequate supply. I find I'm increasingly refilling the reservoir to the appropriate level. Other than adding an occasional nutrient tablet, the system is requires little maintenance.

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