6:57 AM

Your Moonbat Slayer Has Drafted Me !!!

Posted by Joshua P. Allem |

As you all know, Skye will be attending CPAC this year. To better serve you and the rest of us, she's temporarily granted me the incredible honor of guest blogging here at Midnight Blue. Skye will be taking her usual gear to CPAC, but to get all that juicy info to you faster, she and I will be in constant contact during the entire 3 days of February 7th, 8th and 9th so that I can keep her blog updated as each day unfolds. If there's anything you'd like Skye to address while she's there, send in your questions in the comment threads either here at Midnight Blue or at my blog. I'll get them to her ASAP. In addition to almost live-blogging the event, I'll be hosting an hour long radio show on Thursday, Friday and Saturday for Skye to call in and give us a summary of the proceedings and to take more of your questions. She'll also be going to Walter Reed on Friday, so stay tuned!

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