2:58 PM

Open Letter to US Senators

Posted by Skye |

The following is the text of a letter that I faxed and/or e-mailed to EVERY Senator in the 110th congress. A million thanks goes to Mike (Mike's America) for his assistance and support in crafting this letter.

Dear Senators,

I am writing this letter to express my deep concern over the forthcoming non-binding resolution proposed by Democrat Senators in opposition to President Bush's strategy to protect the fledgling Iraqi government and to secure a victory against Islamofascists bent on eviscerating Iraq and Western society.

In the past, the House and Senate expressed their intent for victory in Iraq by overwhelmingly voting in favor of non-binding resolutions supporting victory in Iraq and the war on terror. This year, the new Senate is poised at reversing this course by acquiescing to the demands of terrorists and approving a resolution dictating the terms of our surrender.

Eight Arab nations have publicly declared their support of President Bush's strategy. What message are we signaling to the world with this resolution; that more Arab citizens support America’s desire for victory in Iraq than US Senators? A vote in support of this resolution sends a clear message to the Iraqis that the US does not support their version of a 'noble experiment in democracy'. Has the new Senate deemed itself arbiter over which struggling third world nations are capable of democracy and which are not?

A brief review of the resolution reveals the narrow focus on one aspect of the President's plan, ignoring the other fundamental elements crucial to its success. By rejecting one component, you undercut the success of the other components of this plan.

I need not remind you that rooting out terrorists wherever they may hide in this world is not just work…it is THE work of this government. It is the responsibility of our elected representatives to work with and not merely in opposition of the Executive branch. Thus far, the only thing resembling a “plan” from the Legislative branch is nothing short of surrender. This is absolutely unacceptable – the American people expect better from our elected representatives. I urge you to support a democratic Iraq and the strong desire of the American people for victory by voting against this non-binding resolution.


Philadelphia, Pa

PS: I am posting this letter on my blog
http://midnightbluesays.blogspot.com/, and would be happy to post your response to this letter on MidnightBlue.


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