10:26 PM

City Council Votes to SUPPORT Subversion

Posted by Skye |

SANTA CRUZ — In her first vote as a member of the City Council, Lynn Robinson asserted her desire to avoid hot-button national topics and focus on neighborhood issues, which was the centerpiece of her election campaign.

Robinson split from the council Tuesday in a 5-1 vote to pass a one-page declaration of support for a Hawaiian army officer who faces a court-martial after denying orders to deploy to Iraq.

What next from this city council? A declaration supporting the fragging of a line officer? Ward Chuchill supports the idea - I can't see any reason why the Santa Cruz city council won't get onboard.

Hat Tip: A Soldiers Perspective & Sparks From The Anvil

Michelle Malkin Vents on this latest liberal loser

Send Lynn Robinson words of encouragement and praise for her actions to: mailto:lrobinson@ci.santa-cruz.ca.us

Mike Rottin : mrotkin@ci.santa-cruz.ca.us

Tony Madrigal: tmadrigal@ci.santa-cruz.ca.us

Ed Porter: eporter@ci.santa-cruz.ca.us

You can phone the council directly at (831) 420-5020 or email them collectively to citycouncil@ci.santa-cruz.ca.us

Email links shamelessly borrowed from CJ: blogger extraordinaire of

A Soldiers Perspective

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