Group shot by the multi-talented NeoCon - for more photos surf HERE and be prepared to be dazzled by his brilliance. Don't forget: Flag Day - June 14th - Bring a Friend & Bring a Flag!
Man, it was a hot one, like seven inches from the midday sun - did someone cue Rob Thomas and Santana for this rally? Perhaps it was the sultry heat gracing our milestone 40th rally, but I quickly detected amongst my merry band a strong interest in the latest editon of the Wall Street Journal:

While the Sheepdogs were able to brilliantly multi-task on their corner in West Chester, the other side was busy breaking their own vigil rules:
[Peace] Peace Vigil Ground Rules - Updated June 2008
Please do not make signals/signs of any kind to counterprotestors.
Please - no signs about or in response to counterprotestors.
If you do not follow these rules during a vigil, volunteers trained in peacekeeping will request that you leave the vigil.
For those coming in late to the "Pizza War" you can get up to speed by reading the post that started the "Pizza War" HERE. The pizza parlor's response can be found HERE. The Director of the Peace Slappers delusional response to the decision of the pizza parlor can be found HERE. Finally, a meditation on hate by a local expert can be found HERE.