9:02 PM

Canon XT Review

Posted by Skye |


Over the past two weekends, I've made some room in my weekend schedule to visit both Longwood and Winterthur with the objective of trying out my new dSLR - the Canon XT. In addition, I brought along my Canon EOS Rebel SLR and Nikon Coolpix P2 for comparison.

Just a few observations from the field:

The camera is smaller than my Canon EOS. There has been critism over the small size of the XT, yet as I hold the camera, my index finger falls naturally over the shutter button. No problems here.

It is surprsingly heavy for its size, especially when I attach the telephoto lens. This is no vending machine camera, it is a sturdy little camera.

It is quickly becoming apparent that I need to use a tripod when shooting with the telephoto lens. This was never an issue when used with the film SLR and I'm thinking about purchasing a IS telephoto lens for the dSLR.

The battery life so far is excellent. I've only recharged it once since receiving the camera. As the winter approaches, we will see how the battery handles the colder temperatures.

And now for the pictures - just a few examples...




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